Daniel John Bracken is a London based visual artist working with photography.
He photographs to remember what he very often seems to forget.
His work has been exhibited and featured throughout the United States, Europe and Asia.

Selected Exhibitions:

NIDA.Meeting Photography, Nida Art Colony: Group Exhibition. 2023 - Nida, Lithuania

Der Greif 15th Anniversary,
Pinakothek der Moderne: Group Exhibition, 2023 - Munich, Germany

Safehouse II, Copeland Park: Group Exhibition, 2023 - London, U.K.

V.O Curations Open Studios,
V.O Curations: Group Exhibition, 2023 - London, U.K.

Dew Point,
The Humid/Georgia Museum of Art: Group Exhibition, 2022 - Georgia, U.S.

Minimal. Signs and Forms of the Essential,
LoosenArt/Rome Art Week: Group Exhibition, 2022 - Rome, Italy

La nuit et la forêt,
cusp: Group Exhibition, 2022 - Hangzhou, China

Can We Dance Again?,
SW Darkroom/Royal Victoria Patriotic Building: Group Exhibition, 2021 - London, U.K.

The Art Vault X New Futures Digital,
Kovet.Art: Group Exhibition, 2021 - London, U.K.

Gathering of Visions,
Haze Gallery: Group Exhibition, 2021 - Berlin, Germany

London Grads Now,
Saatchi Gallery: Group Exhibition, 2020 - London, U.K.

With fists, it kicks, it bites,
Edel Assanti: Group Exhibition, 2020 - London, U.K.

RCA2020, Royal College of Art: Group Exhibition, 2020 - London, U.K.

This is a C.V.